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August 26, 2005 - 10:46 a.m.

Let�s play ball

Mr. Morgan is in route to San Francisco right now to see the Giants play�.. some other team, I really didn�t ask. Although I protested this trip because of it�s absurd timeline, I did pack him a great bag of traveling treats with a note saying be careful and bring yourself and my car back in the condition they left in.

He knows I am not just worried because I am a control freak and can�t help BUT to worry, but also because I don�t really want to be alone for two days. I am more than capable of busying myself, but every noise I hear will make me jump and I will likely carry a hammer around the entire time in anticipation of murderers and rapists.

I also think there is a little bit of guilt for not asking me along, perhaps that is the wrong word, but he bought tickets to go see the Chiefs (WOOT!) play the Raiders (totally un-woot) in about 3 weeks. I asked which side we were sitting on, since I have always hated the Raiders for nothing more than the fact that their fans are fucking retarded and violent. All teams have fans that are, but Oakland takes pride in it�.. and that�s a little scary. I suppose I might be violent too if my team sucked that fucking bad, but cmon�. Mellow the fuck out already. They play like crippled elephants, you are used to it, why fucking riot?

I plan to capitalize on the fact that I�m a tiny woman, hoping that my beating availability will shrink. I also plan to schedule my alcohol runs with other Chiefs fans�. strategically slipping into the middle of the pack like camouflage. I�m excited to go, but remotely, is that wrong?


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