Bored. Sleepy
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August 26, 2005 - 10:33 a.m.

I don�t wanna grow up.

Remember going to Toys R Us as a kid and thinking it was an endless store? That the isles went on infinitely and you would never have enough time to investigate each display, each little assortment of promotional toys before your mother drug you back to the car, intentionally stomping on your soul and robbing you of the satisfaction of having the smell of cardboard boxes snake into your nostrils, reminding you of the very newness they represented. Not the toys that came to you from an older sister, handed down, used and worn, but new�. distinctively YOURS. Do you also remember going into that same store as an adult and wondering where all the stuff went, the isles now seeming much shorter, the inventory smaller. Things seem so big when in comparison, you are so little, and life is as simple as a new toy.


Current Mood: Bored. Sleepy

Current Music:Frank Show......

Current Wish: A nap.

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