seriously hungover
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August 30, 2005 - 11:37 a.m.

School Days

My hair is a mess, my clothes un-washed, socks un-matched and finger nail polish chipped on each and every nail.

My books have not been picked up, and I haven�t a pad of paper nor a pen on which to write things on.

I am an official fucking train wreck. This is why grown people shouldn�t go back to school, after a full day of working we are brain jello. At least I most definitely am.

The extent of my preparation for showing up to class this evening is picking any snot off my nose ring and thinking of excuses to NOT go to class.

It�s all rather weak and I have no good reason for attempting to weasel out, other than the fact that I�m suddenly overwhelmed with a case of being timid. People my age work there, they don�t attend there. It�s not so much as feeling old, just out of practice and I�ve never taken a course that would require interaction. That always just came to me or didn�t.

All very intimidating.


Current Mood: seriously hungover

Current Music:nothing

Current Wish: a chauffer

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